Category Archives: Words
I switched my diet from a high carb vegetarian diet to an extremely low carb ketogenic diet back in July. I gave up 22 years of vegetarianism to do so. I’d been lurking on the /r/keto subreddit for a couple years, mainly out of curiosity, and finally decided to take the plunge after reading so many reports of how the Keto diet helped folks with PCOS and anxiety. I thought it might be a solution to a few health issues I’d recently been experiencing, and thought I’d give it a try. I’m so glad I did.
Why Did I Do It?
Insulin Resistance
From my reading, it’s pretty clear that for the last five years or so I’d become more and more resistant to insulin. I was just slightly over the line for pre-diabetes, I was low energy often and I found myself regulating my mood with sugar and carbs, and my cravings for both were through the roof. Insulin resistance (and type 2 diabetes) is often linked to Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
Weight Gain
I had gained about 30lbs over the past five years with no change to my diet. I realize that often happens in your mid-thirties, but this seemed more drastic than typical. I’d tried to lose the weight by going to the gym. After about a year of trying to outrun the weight gain, I realized that going to the gym wasn’t going to make me lose weight. It did have great mental health benefits, and made me feel strong and good, so I continued to go anyway.
Hormone Imbalance?
I typically got my period every 45-90+ days pre-keto. I was curious if the anxiety/depression was related to a potential hormone imbalance originating from PCOS. My periods were often very painful, and I’d read that keto can help with that as well.
It’s been 5 months now and here are my results:
- I’m no longer pre-diabetic. (A1C went from 5.7 to 5.5 at three months in)
- My bad cholesterol is down, and good is up.
- my blood pressure is still great, even with all the newly added saturated fat. (111/66)
- My moods are regulated — no more ups and downs. It’s an even, solid good mood all day.
- I’m sleeping better.
- My depression and anxiety have lowered, perhaps even totally disappeared. I no longer have “blah” days, or days where I feel sad or anxious for no reason. I no longer have that nervous feeling in my stomach.
- My periods are more regulated (around every 40 days now), and they aren’t painful anymore. I’m guessing that means my hormones are more regulated, but I haven’t done the blood work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- I no longer have sugar cravings/carb cravings/get hangry/need to eat RIGHT NOW.
- The food I eat doesn’t affect my mood anymore. Like I don’t get sleepy after a meal, or feel blah or lethargic after I eat.
- I lost 25lbs and am continuing to slowly lose weight. I can wear all my old clothes again! I didn’t count calories at all, I just try to stay in ketosis.
- My energy levels are through the roof. I feel like I never get tired.
- My emotional stamina is higher too. I can do a hard hike and not have to “talk myself through it”. I just do it and feel good while doing it. I used to push myself to do 15 mins on the elliptical, now I do 30+ mins without thinking.
- My attention span is longer than before, and I feel more present.
- I’m more productive with work.
I had NO IDEA that changing what I ate could have such a profound difference in my mental and physical health. If you’re interested in giving keto a try, here are some links to read more: (Read all the links under “about this community”)
My New Tattoo
Last Friday I got my first tattoo. It was done by my favorite artist here in Portland, Pony Reinhardt. It took me 7 months and a lot of luck to get the appointment.
Once I got approved for a time slot I wrote her a lengthy and nerdy email to explain what I wanted. Here is what I said:
I remember saying I wanted an amphibian life cycle in the proposal I sent in early January, but I think I wasn’t sure which amphibian. I’ve decided on the Eastern Red Spotted Newt (Notophthalmus Viridescens).
I grew up in rural Western Massachusetts in short walking distance to a pond, stream, vernal pool, and swamp. I spent my childhood exploring these areas and was obsessed with salamanders and newts and frogs, and watching the life cycles of each.
I’d like this tattoo to represent my early (and continued) fascination with nature, and also life cycles/changing seasons/time/growth.
I especially love the “eft” stage of the Eastern Newt when they come out of the water and have a really bright orange skin color, but all stages are really cool. And unlike a frog, the newt goes through a second metamorphosis later in life which is pretty neat. I have the lifecycle below, and some photos and info about these creatures, in case you don’t know much about them.
The lifecycle is as follows:
1) The eggs are laid in early spring, April usually. They are laid singularly, under leaves of plants. Here are some pictures of the eggs just laid.
2) The eggs develop over a period of about 2-6 weeks, depending on the temp of the water.
3) Once they hatch, they’re in the larvae stage, with external gills. They’re in this stage most of the summer while they slowly grow their legs and get a bit bigger.
4) In late summer/early fall they finish the larvae stage, and their fin-like tail changes to become smaller, their skin becomes more rough and bright orange, and their gills become lungs. Once their lungs are fully developed, they emerge from the water and live 2-3 years on land. This stage is called “eft”. They’re teeny when they come out of the water (see first two pics). They grow over the next couple years to be about 4-5” long. They live in wet places like under leaves or in mossy spots, usually pretty near the water they were born in, and they hibernate in winter.
5) Their final stage is an aquatic adult. After the eft stage their skin goes back to that brownish color, with yellowish bellies, their tails get more fin like again, and their skin becomes more smooth. They go back to living in water, but their lungs remain (they come up for air every now and then). They can live another 10-12 years as adults.
I was trying to think of another element in the tattoo to represent seasons changing and time passing.
Perhaps some local plants (ferns/wildflowers/laurel) going through their life cycles and/or moon cycles or… ?
Or just maybe some local plants as just nice elements because the newt stages are enough to represent that part? I really like the flowers and plants you draw.
Plants I like and remember from where I grew up are bracken fern (and fiddlehead), maidenhair fern, queen anne’s lace, wild blueberry, and mountain laurel.
I’m also open to just the newts, or any other suggestions. I really like everything you do, so I trust your ideas.
She then sent me back this sketch:
Which I loved! I signed off on the idea and waited until the appointment.
This was the final design she printed out to see and also for scale:
We tried a few sizes, but the original one she chose was the best. She then printed it out on a thermal printer, and then stuck it to my back and peeled it off, leaving an ink outline behind to work off of.
The whole process took about 5 1/2 hours, with some breaks in between, with about 4 1/2 hours of actual inking.
The final piece:
Living in Thailand has taught me a lot about these nefarious insects. Listening to common misconceptions from tourists inspired me to write this post.
Misconception 1: Mosquitoes are attracted to light
This is incorrect. Many bugs like moths are attracted to lights, but the opposite is true for mosquitoes. They prefer night time (especially dusk) and they will land on darker things. Wearing light color clothes does actually help keep them away a little.
Misconception 2: All types of mosquitoes carry disease
There are different types of mosquitoes, and different ones carry different things. Some don’t carry anything.

These small black and white mosquitoes can carry dengue.

The small brown ones can carry malaria.
Misconception 3: You’re at a high risk of getting malaria in Thailand.
Totally untrue. Leave your anti-malarials at home unless you plan months camping in the jungle border regions. The risk of getting malaria here is almost zero. HOWEVER the risk of dengue is much higher, even in the cities. And dengue sucks.
How to not get bitten
- I’m not a huge fan of covering myself with DEET, and the natural hippy bug spray really is useless in the tropics. The best way to not get bitten is to be inside at the mosquito happy hour (dusk) and wear long pants and covered shoes at night.
- Thais will often sit cross legged while dining outside at night. I’ve also seen people fidget or swing their legs so that it’s harder for the bugs to land.
- If eating out, ask the restaurant for a mosquito coil and put it upwind under your table. Make sure not to breathe in the smoke if possible. Some restaurants will provide you with a fan which makes it too hard for them to fly.
- Be extremely careful in garden type restaurants at night. Mosquitoes love the dark damp gardens, and you will be feasted on.
- At night, check your room’s screens for holes, etc, and shake out any dark colored clothing or bedding to check for mosquitoes. A cheap bug net can be purchased here to hang in your room if the screens are not working so well.
- Do not leave your door or windows open in the evening or night.
- Don’t wear perfume or use heavily perfumed soaps. I use lemongrass scented everything which does help a little to repel them.
- Remember: mosquitoes like dark, damp and still environments. Combat that with light (colors/daytime), dry (stay away from water/dampness/gardens at night) and movement (fans, breeze).
Do you have any suggestions to add? Put them in the comments!
35 Haiku
Here are some older haiku I wrote while in Thailand. I’ll post more soon. Tell me which ones you like or don’t like and why.
stomach bound in knots
no pill exists which can ease
worry in the mind
large rainclouds forming
will rain fall on us tonight?
my favourite season
the changing seasons
marks the passage of time there
here, only rainfall
underneath the street
the summer’s heat stifling
when will the train come?
his paws are trembling
randomly the whiskers twitch
the cat is dreaming
the needle enters
injects ink into the skin
left permanently
stillness in the air
the barking dog seems closer
the rain will start soon
first you see the flash
followed by the loud thunder
light travels faster
the river runs fast
the colour a rich deep brown
the rainy season
in the wilderness
exploring territory
mapping emotion
harvesting the rice
catching fish from the river
simple life is good
little balls of sand
the crab works tirelessly
retreats when i step
what did the bugs do
before electricity
and light bulbs at night?
มะม่วงอกร่อง (ma-muang awk-rawng)
มะม่วงอร่อยที่สุด (ma-muang arroy tii sut)
ชีวิตเมืองไทยดี (chi-wit meung thai dee)
alone i walk fast
legs much longer than others
mind at hyperspeed
the tree’s limbs stretch wide
equally long are it’s roots
hidden underground
this game that you play
you seem to know the rules well
i am just learning
muddy fields of rice
white birds on top of oxen
smell of burning grass
whining mosquito
hovering around my ear
heavy with my blood
endless sea of green
the heavy rice hangs down low
swaying in the wind
smell of burning grass
the sun sets behind the hill
turning the haze pink
all of a sudden
i have a strong sense of time
half the world away
the F train, morning
sitting opposite, reading
i had no idea
my mind wide open
so many possible paths
different outcomes
thirty thousand feet
above the arctic ocean
i am half way there
crossing the date line
instead of twenty four hours
today has forty
i wrap emotion
into tiny packages
and hide them away
sitting in the sun
clothes still wet after a swim
drinking summer ale
i miss the city
the energy inspires
makes life exciting
crying and screaming
the child wants attention
the mother ignores
undeveloped, otherwise
quite intelligent
is portland the place?
biking, coffee, beer and girls
but is it too small?
scientists are wasting time
this is what we need
the higher the peak
the more difficult the climb
the wider the view
i lay in my bed
listening to the thunder
off in the distance
Dust and Memorials
It’s been 10 years. It doesn’t feel like 10 years.
I wanted to share with you some photos. I’ve never done anything with them – just shot them to document the reality of it all then placed them in a folder on my hard drive. I’ve looked at them twice in the last several years, once when I wrote this post exactly three years ago today, and again just now.
To be honest, it was really hard to look at them. I preferred to just keep them hidden away, like the vial of dust hidden in a box somewhere that I collected from downtown a few days after the towers fell, and the postcards of the Twin Towers I bought from a Bleecker Street tourist shop. The New York Times did a piece this week called What We Kept which I found fascinating. I realized I’m not the only one who saved something from that time… I wonder how many others have vials of dust hidden in a drawer somewhere.
Below are some photos I took, along with the dates & location, and a Google Street View of what’s there now. Some of the buildings were too damaged and tore down. Others look like nothing ever happened.
174 Broadway
174 Broadway Now
Corner of Trinity Place and Cortlandt St.
Corner of Trinity Place and Cortlandt St. Now
Wall Street by Trinity Church
Fulton & Broadway
Fulton & Broadway Now
A Shop Keeper across from WTC
The dust lasted for months
Memorials were everywhere…
A fire station in the Village
Washington Square Park
Union Square Park
And finally… the only photo I have of the Twin Towers which I took myself
Best Coffee in Portland?
I often get asked where are the best places to have coffee in Portland. I used to think I was a coffee snob and knew a little bit about coffee before I moved here. Let me tell you – Portland’s coffee geeks have humbled me. That aside, here are the places I have tried and liked so far.
South East
Heart — 2211 E Burnside
This place is right near my house. I love the vintage science classroom decor and the super cute hip girls working there. Their coffee is delicious. They roast in-house & sell their beans too.
Order a Latte or a crazy Japanese Siphon coffee.
Coava Coffee Roasters — 1300 SE Grand Ave
These guys are real coffee geeks. Probably the geekiest in the city. They take their coffee very, very seriously. They invented their own (reusable! sustainable! local!) metal cone for pour over coffee and they won the most recent NW Regional Barista Competition. They share a space with a (sustainable! local!) bamboo flooring company. How Portland.
Order a Pour Over or something espresso based
Stumptown — 3356 SE Belmont St
How can I not mention Stumptown? Stumptown is the largest(?) roaster in Portland and is the default coffee bean at most shops which don’t already roast their own. They have a few coffee shops in the city and sell their beans in the grocery stores too. This one on Belmont has two shops – one regular coffee shop and one “tasting room” called the Annex where they do free tasting flights of single origin beans every day at noon and 2pm. No joke.
Order a French Press
North West
Barista — 539 NW 13th Ave
These guys make a great espresso. Try any of their espresso-based drinks. They’re always nice inside too. They have a really beautiful shop up on Alberta but I read on the news that it got pretty damaged by a fire caused by the 4th of July fireworks last week. No word when it’ll re-open. Sad. In the meantime, go support their Pearl District location. **EDIT** They’ve re-opened the Alberta location as of November 7th, 2011. 1725 NE Alberta Street.
Order anything espresso based
South West
Café Vélo — PSU Farmers’ Market – SW Park Ave & SW Montgomery St
Café Vélo makes single-origin bean pour overs at the Saturday Farmers’ Market at PSU. Their stall is a bicycle. One of the best pour overs in town. Don’t be intimidated by their menu – just ask them to recommend a bean.
Order the pour over – have them recommend one ** Only open on Saturdays!
Courier Coffee — 923 SW Oak St
I am in love with Courier. It’s teeny tiny and right nearby Powell’s. There’s two guys who I always see work there, and I swear they must wake & bake every morning. They’re sweet and can tell you about the origin of every ingredient in every item in their store. Everything is hand-made (including the hand-written menus). They roast their own coffee & deliver beans by bicycle. If you have time for only one coffee shop in the West side – go here.
Order the latte in the mason jar (jarbralter) and try a cookie or other random hand-baked goodie
I’m sure I’m forgetting some people’s favorites. If your favorite coffee isn’t listed here – there’s a chance I haven’t tried it yet. Let me know and I’ll check it out.
Berry Picking on Sauvie Island
I’ve now gone to three different U-Pick berry farms on Sauvie Island near Portland in the last two weeks… Here’s my review:
Sauvie Island Farms
Directions: Cross the bridge to Sauvie Island, & continue straight. Follow up until the road forks and stay left – about a mile up on the right. map
Went here first last week and picked about 8 pounds of Mt. Hood strawberries. Delicious. Best strawberries I’ve ever had. They are not organic but they don’t “spray” (but do apply fungicide to the soil). Strawberries are one of the “if you can’t afford to eat organic, at least just eat organic with these 10 items” so I’m a bit worried, but not enough to not eat them.
I went home and made jam with half of the berries. And I may have eaten the rest over 4 days. Did that make me sick of berries? No! A week later I went back…
Verdict: Great pick
Kruger’s Farm
Directions: Cross the bridge to Sauvie Island and this is the first farm on the right. map
So, Sauvie Island Farms is closed on Sunday but this place is open… My friend who brought me to Sauvie Island Farms said this place kinda sucks – too many tourists who pick the place clean and they’re overpriced. Well… she was dead on right. We spent about an hour here and got nothing but screaming children and teeny picked over berries and sad plants and a whole lot of dust. We left for better pastures.
Verdict: Pass this one up
Columbia Farms
Directions: This one is on the other side of the island – near the nude beach. White barn, light green roof. map
They were super nice here. Not sticky sweet “give me money but I hate you” nice, but actually, honestly nice. They re-weighed our plastic boxes and bowls from Kruger’s (we had weighed them there so they could tare them) and we found out that Kruger’s scales were way off. And when I say way off, I mean at least double what these items actually weigh. Columbia Farms had just calibrated their scales this week so they were accurate. No wonder my raspberries were so expensive at Kruger’s. Yikes…
They had 4 types of strawberries when we went – we picked about 9 pounds. Then we went over and picked a bunch of blueberries and raspberries too. 7 pounds of raspberries. We got about 18 pounds of berries for $23? Jam day is today!
Oh, and if you’re near the blueberries and keep hearing a crazy loud angry bird… that’s a recording coming from teeny speakers on the fence. Scared the shit out of me.
Verdict: Best of the lot
How to Export a Cat From Thailand to the USA
แมวอินเตอร์… international cat of mystery
Emma brought her cat “Pumpoi” from Thailand to the US and wrote up this how-to. I figured I’d post it here in case anyone was interested. Her post follows:
Please note that different countries require a variety of import arrangements
At Least 6 Weeks Before
- Your cat must be at least 6 months old
- Make sure that your cat is vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days prior to you wishing to leave the country. Every cat needs a rabies booster before they leave the country. You must have the original vaccination record with the correct stickers and dates as well as the vet’s contact details clearly displayed.
- Decide if you wish to bring your cat on to the plane or have it as checked baggage or as checked as cargo. Bringing a cat onto a plane means you will be confining it to a smaller space than if it is checked baggage or cargo.
- Buy a cat crate that is the suitable size for your cat and that is airline approved. Crates are airline approved for ventilation and food and water requirements. Some airlines require metal fasteners on the corners of these pet carriers. Be sure to confirm with your airline that the style you need meets their specific construction requirements before purchasing. This can be challenging as the airline from the Thai end can be extremely unhelpful and insist that you purchase a crate first!
- Know the weight and size (height x width x length) of your crate which should be on the specifications. You will need to have this information ready when you contact your airline. You will also need to give them the weight of your cat. The reason is that this will determine the cost of your excess luggage when you go to pay at the airport check-in desk before your fly.
Booking Your Flight
- Book your flight – check that they have space for your cat before you confirm your booking as they only allow so many animals per flight.
- Contact the airline and explain that you wish to book a live animal onto the flight as carry-on or checked baggage/cargo. Get confirmation from them and a price quote for the cost of transport.
3 Days Prior To Departure
- 3 days (no more than this – even if in some places you see it mentioned that 7 days is ok, sometimes it is not!) prior to your departure you must go to the Bangkok Suvarnabhumi Airport Customs and Animal Quarantine Office. All pets must be inspected by the government vet before leaving the country.
- You must bring with you to the quarantine office:
- Original rabies certificate, with vet’s contact details and phone number (in English and legible).
- A copy of your passport
- Your flight details
- Cat micro-chip number if you have one (not necessary to have a microchip, but if you do have one, you need the number).
- Your cat!
- At the office you will need to fill in a Form 1/1 which is an export request. You do not need to do this before hand.
- At the office the vet will conduct a health check, take a photograph of your cat and give you the documents you require for export. This costs 50 Baht per cat.
- Make two photocopies of all documents and keep them with you when you travel. You should have:
- Your original cat health certificate
- The airport vet health certificate
- The export permit
- Familiarise your cat with the crate it will be travelling in. It helps to leave something with your scent in there for the trip. Planes are cold so make sure that your cat is going to be warm enough by adding blankets etc.
- Your crate must be properly labelled with arrows to show right way up and ‘live animal’ in words 2 inches tall. You also need to leave feeding instructions and have your details on the crate.
- Line the bottom of the crate with newspaper and/or absorbent pads. Do not use straw or other grassy materials as the importation of plant material is prohibited.
Customs Free Zone
Suvarnabhumi International Airport
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel +66 (0) 2134 0731
At the Airport
- Make sure you have enough money with you at the airport as either Thai Baht or as US Dollars to pay for the excess baggage.
- Check in as early as possible so that if there are any problems you have some extra time to sort them out.
- Hand over the paperwork you received from the airport vet when you go to check in. They may ask for copies of the health certificate – in which case hand these over now. They will then tape these to the cat crate.
- If your cat is going to be transported as excess baggage you will need to bring them to the oversize baggage area before you go through customs.
On The Plane
- When you are in your seat, you should get a confirmation from the air steward that your cat has been loaded onto the flight. If not, you can ask them to check prior to departure.
At Your Destination
- Make sure you check the box on the customs form that you will be bringing a live animal into the country.
- A customs official may want to check your cat at the destination.
- If you checked your cat as excess baggage then collect your cat after passing through customs.